Larysa Kadyrova - Ukraine
Balzac declared Jean Racines (1639-1699) Phaedra to
be an "object of envy for poets at all times". Phaedra
unites sophisticated literary entertainment and passion for
classical mythology. The story sets in after Phaedra has swallowed
the poison and shows the last minutes of her life as she re-lives
the events that led to that tragic end: her passionate love
for her stepson, Hippolytus; the plot to kill her husband, the
King of Athens, Theseus, and her hopes of winning over Hippolytus
if not by love, then by the allure of the sceptre, and finally,
the Hippolytus outraged rejection. It is only now that
Phaedra starts to comprehend the destructiveness of her obsessive
passion. Ariadnes (Phaedras sister) thread has a
symbolic meaning for Kadyrovas Phaedra. It leads the protagonist
through the labyrinth of her life entangling her in a net of
strong and consuming feelings.
Directed by: Alexey Kuzhelny; Music: Vadim Rakochy; Stage director:
Vladislav Vonyatytsky; Costume design: Nadezhda Kudryavtseva
50 minutes; in Ukrainian
Saturday, March 3 / Studio im
Schauspielhaus/ 19:00