Michael Altmann -Germany
Krapp, this weird old man in search of his memories of better
days, reviewing his life by listening to recordings he has made
a long time ago, has been played by many exquisite actors: Fritz
Kortner, Bernhard Minetti and Ulrich Wildgruber, to name just
a few. These are big names, but Michael Altmann from the Thalia
Theater in Hamburg can stand comparison with all of them. His
Krapp is most convincing and not influenced by others. This
stumbling, shuffling, pedantic eccentric with gray, wild hair,
in a greasy waistcoat, with insatiable appetite for bananas
is a grotesque figure, but much more than a pathetic freak.
He listens to his past and rebels against it, fiddling around
with the tapes, fast-forwarding them, and repressing the unwanted
fragments. With caustic cynicism, he roars, gasps, swears and
groans -until he finally finds what he was looking for: the
memory of a beautiful afternoon on a lake with a long-lost love.
Directed by: Gabriele Jacobi
80 minutes; in German
Sunday, March 4 /Die Pumpe/